Developing an EU Web Portalfor Video-Mediated PSI with Migrants and Refugees
22 January 2025, 12.30 CET
ENPSIT will start the new year with a fresh instalment of its webinar series. This will revolve around the EU-funded project EU-WEBPSI, which is aimed at developing a European web portal for video-mediated public service interpreting to enhance access to basic services for migrants and refugees. The webinar will take us through the project achievements so far: PSI minimal standards, train-the-trainer modules, and the EU-WEBPSI portal. A sneak-peek into the portal (currently restricted to project partners during the testing phase) will also be provided.
The project will be presented by Eleonora Mazzanti, Katrijn Maryns and July De Wilde (Ghent University), followed by Q&A and discussion, moderated by Lieven Buysse (ENPSIT & KU Leuven). Date Wednesday 22 January 2025 Time 12.30 – 1.30 p.m. CET Zoom link Further background information about the project can be found below. Contact If you should have any questions about this webinar, please get in touch with [email protected]
DEVELOPING AN EU WEB PORTAL FOR VIDEO-MEDIATED PUBLIC SERVICE INTERPRETING TO IMPROVE ACCESS TO BASIC SERVICES FOR MIGRANTS AND REFUGEES (EU-WEBPSI) AMIF-2020-AG-CALL-02-101038590 Coordinators: Katrijn Maryns, July De Wilde, Department of Translation, Interpreting & Communication, Ghent University The AMIF-funded EU-WEBPSI project (2022-2025), aims to improve access to essential services for migrants and refugees by enhancing the quality of Public Service Interpreting (PSI). Despite the crucial role played by PSI in the first stages of arrival in a country for newcomers, practices of how interpreters can be and are employed in such settings differ widely across Europe, and there is no European framework of minimal standards for PSI yet. An additional challenge for newcomers is the mismatch between interpreter supply and demand: speakers of languages of lesser diffusion (LLDs) are often excluded from access to essential services due to unavailability of interpreters in their languages. This results in unequal access to basic services for newcomers across the EU. To tackle these challenges, EU-WEBPSI includes several project stages. The partners have developed PSI minimum standards to guarantee high-quality language support and equal access to basic services for newcomers across the EU. Train-the-trainer modules for PSI, video-mediated interpreting (VMI) and LLDs have been developed. Furthermore, an innovative EU-wide portal has been set up, to facilitate the provision of VMI services. Three reception authorities, together with 3 PSI providers, are currently training 60 newcomers to work as public service interpreters on the web portal after certification. The webinar will present the project achievements so far: PSI minimal standards, train-the-trainer modules, EU-WEBPSI portal. A sneak-peek into the portal (currently restricted to project partners during the testing phase) will be provided.